Presenting her book The DNA of You and Me, Award Winning Author Andres Rothman explain that her book is a fiction novel about a love story between a young women and man trying to find the DNA in a research lab. This book is for those who are just starting in their careers. Andrea includes a little of science into her stories.
Maria Cristina Montoya in the company of her students and co-authors of their award winning book Mi Vida en los Estados Unidos: Jóvenes de...
Patricia Schaefer Röder es una autora galardonada, traductora y editora quien presenta sus libros incluyendo Di lo que quieres decir, una antología de poesía...
La autora venezolana Nery Santos Gómez comparte como una historia al final del libro puede unir una serie de cuentos cortos. Presentando su libro...